Different formats available to download below
The Climate Challenge booklet can be downloaded in several different formats. It is designed as an A4 booklet, which can either be downloaded as one double-sided A3 sheet, then folded in half, or as an A4 document with 4 sides to be printed over 2 sheets of A4 and collated. In addition, it was designed in full colour, but being realistically about most in-school printing and copying facilities, we are also providing it in black and white, for both options. Select and download the appropriate option below.
Let us know where you use them, and please send us feedback!
We are really keen to hear about it being downloaded and used, in a classroom or other non-school settings, and this is particularly useful for getting funding to create more materials. We also want these materials to be as good as they can be, so constructive feedback also welcome! If you download it and use it, and have positive feedback and/or constructive criticism to share, we’d be very grateful! Please get in touch here via the LCWO website.
A3 format – pdf format, 2 documents, print on two sides of a single A3 sheet and fold to make A4 booklet
Full colour:
Black & white:
A4 format – 1 pdf document, 4 A4 pages to make 2-page A4 booklet
Full colour:
Black & white:
This document is currently in 4 seperate downloads, but we hope to rectify this and create a single download soon!