There are some great FREE online resources emerging under lockdown, aimed at children being homeschooled. Here are a few we have spotted so far:
KidsCAN workbooklet on climate change for Y5&6:
Our very own downloadable workbook on climate change for Year 5 & 6 kids, based on SATs literacy revision.
Wild Days from Earthwatch:
Daily structured activities and video content to guide you through around an hour of outdoor learning that you can do in your own green space. For children aged 4-11.
Earth School from TedEd:
30 quests for kids around the world to celebrate, explore and connect with nature. Topics include the food we eat, biomimicry in transport’ (did you know a Japanese bullet train’s design is based on an owl, a penguin and a kingfisher?!), and climate change explained using a giant game of Tetris. With short videos, quizzes and even the opportunity to write your own quiz on any topic, my daughter LOVES this resource.
Home learning inspiration from Oxfam:
‘… fun and educational activities to use at home with children aged 7-14. Whether you are a parent looking for creative ideas during lockdown, or a teacher supporting families to learn remotely we have something for you!’
Westmill Windfarm and Solar Park learning resources on energy and renewables:
Get children engaged with the topics of energy, renewables, and sustainability.
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